Structural gewichtsverlies
In a smarter way

I’ve helped dozens of executives structurally lose between 9 to 24 kg of weight by applying cutting-edge science, hard data and 1-on-1 coaching. With laser focus at work and high energy. Without hunger or crazy workouts.

Better health
Back in control




Not being at your ideal weight is frustrating. Being unable to control it – and prevent further weight gain – is something my clients unanimously report as a significant problem. The program increases both the measurable – and perceived health of my clients, but also puts them back in the driver’s seat. This is a key element of the program’s long-term focus.

Based on actual qualitative improvements reported by clients

Massive impact on the
Biggest weight metrics

wekelijks gewichtsverlies
- 0 kg
totaal gewichtsverlies
- 0 kg
50% of weight loss
0 maanden
relative body fat
- 0 %
absolute body fat
- 0 %
relative lean body mass
+ 0 %

Based on actual quantitative data shared by clients

Data drives strategy
Strategy drives action

Weight loss is a science. However, it’s more complicated than calories-in vs calories-out (CICO). 

Reigniting your body’s natural ability to burn fat mass for energy requires key steps.


To get your body to burn fat for energy can be tricky, as many people experience side-effects – and often stop. Approaching this with deep experience and hard data removes 90% of these obstacles.

Less food
No hunger

When metabolic flexibility is achieved, we will apply a data driven way to reduce caloric intake without the hunger – but without a lack of energy.

Better health
Better werk



Changing poor nutrition patterns and applying a strategy that fits the needs of both your body and brain like a glove leads to weight loss. However, it also leads to a measurable increase in work performance and increased ability to manage stress.

Based on actual qualitative improvements reported by clients

Better health
Better person

Weight loss seems like an obvious goal. However, with better nutrition, habits and awareness my clients also feel they’re happier and become a better person for the people around them.

Based on actual qualitative improvements reported by clients

Knowledge creates awareness
Awareness creates change

Lasting change usually doesn’t happen when someone tells you what to do. Therefore, I believe my clients should stay in the driver’s seat, also when it comes to knowledge gathering. However, the learning process is focused on efficiency with a copilot that will help you navigate smoothly.

3 academy

You’ll learn mroe step-by-step in the WLW Academy. However, this will coincide with hands-on experience. The result: ideas that click – and change that sticks.


Clients report a massive growth in applicable knowledge. Moreover, they all acknowledge they didn’t realize their lack of it before starting.

Don't just take my word for it

Sergio Orellana

Dir. Supply Chain Cent. of Practi

Teva Pharmaceuticals

I lost around 10 kilos in just a few months and moved from the body category ‘average’ to ‘athletes’. I’ve more than doubled my energy and went from a 3 to a 9/10 in terms of weight control.

Vincent van de Poll


Digital Ambitions

For 39 years I have wanted to do something about my weight, but it just didn’t work. Now: -21 KG, knowledge level from 3 > 8 and that little voice that says “it’s not going to work” is quiet.

Marijn Smid



Ik leef nu pijnvrij, ben in vorm, voel me fitter dan ooit (nooit meer moe, ja!) en werk productiever en geconcentreerder dan ik ooit heb gedaan.

Wolfgang Baermann

Sr. Dir. Operations Finance

Rosewood Hotel Group

It works. As weeks go by, my “toolbox” gets more and more equipped and I can see and feel the success of our work. To a great collaboration, thanks Roderick!

Jana Wilhelmus



I reset my lifestyle and adopted key practices that will stay with me for the rest of my life. It changed my perspective on the way I cook for myself and my family and the way I live my life.

Jeffrey Hamelink

Co-founder & CEO

Small Giants

Yesterday Roderick came over with a “21” balloon and a dumbbell of 21 kilos. Only when you lift that do you realize how much weight you actually lost. And what a strain it was on my body.

Millo Janssen


Applied mathematics

I lost almost 10 kilos, while I maintained my muscle mass. My waist circumference is almost 20 cm less, I have more focus, I perform much better at my studies and I feel that I have complete control over my weight.

Tiago Bastos Mogas

Real Estate Consultant


I worked with Roderick and have only good things to say about the level of commitment and service he provides. To remain professional while still extremely approachable is an art and Roderick is great at that as well. Fully recommend.

Jop van Hooft

Founder & CEO

This week we reached an important milestone, as there are 23 fewer kilos (51 pounds) of Jop. Hence Roderick was at my door with balloons with the number: 23. All achieved in <6 months.

Ruben Hortensius

Interim Consultant

Hortensius Consulting

I was able to get fully in control over my own weight. Not only did I lost 10 kg in the process, I was able to do so while maintaining virtually all of my muscle mass; making the weight loss pure body fat.

Jesse Stockton


Jesse Stockton Music

I always walk away with a sense of comfort and ease around my problem or conflict because we have defined how to overcome it. I am truly grateful for the work he does with me and his ability to listen.

Bruno Mertens

Founder & Director

Free Pratique

I take a lot less medication and I feel a lot healthier. I am sure that Roderick’s intervention has helped with this and I recommend it to anyone who wants to become healthier (and happier) in an effective way. 

Matthijs Wilhelmus


BASI Systems

Without a lot of effort or gruelling workouts I could feel my body – and mind – change within a week and I have managed to sustain this for almost a year now. No bouncing up and down, consistently higher energy level and a more balanced mood.

Matthijs Wilhelmus


BASI Systems

Without a lot of effort or gruelling workouts I could feel my body – and mind – change within a week and I have managed to sustain this for almost a year now. No bouncing up and down, consistently higher energy level and a more balanced mood.

Matthijs Wilhelmus


BASI Systems

Without a lot of effort or gruelling workouts I could feel my body – and mind – change within a week and I have managed to sustain this for almost a year now. No bouncing up and down, consistently higher energy level and a more balanced mood.

Anonimous client - AB before
Anonimous client - AB after

From unrealistic goal
To langetermijn gewichtsverlies

Deze cliënt kwam bij mij met, volgens haar "een onrealistisch doel" om 10 kilo af te vallen. Bovendien geloofde ze dat haar metabolisme beschadigd was door al het diëten en had ze veel pijn.

Met het programma was zij in staat haar "onrealistische" doel te bereiken en weegt zij nu minder dan zij ooit in haar leven heeft gewogen. Bovendien bleek uit analyses dat het gewicht dat ze verloor puur vet was, terwijl ze in staat was haar spiermassa te vergroten. En dat alles in slechts een paar maanden tijd.

Even though this left the trainers in her gym speechless, to me this came as no surprise, as it was accurately predicted in the models.

Jaren later gebruikt ze nog steeds haar aangeleerde fysieke en mentale kennis, zodat ze op haar droom gewicht is kunnen blijven.

Maybe '23 kilos less you'
Is actually more like jou

Deze cliënt is een klassiek voorbeeld van iemand die veel van zichzelf vraagt. Een 'high performer' die het runnen van een bedrijf combineert met een druk gezinsleven.

Hij voelde dat hij iets moest doen om in vorm te komen en zijn energieniveau weer op peil te krijgen. 

We got to work, focused on the foundation and quickly moved to different phases. A few moments later there was 23 kilos ‘less Jop’ as he described it in his Linkedin post. 

Bovendien: energieniveaus door het dak, alle gezondheids-KPI's in het groen, de beste resultaten ooit voor zijn bedrijf en een lange termijn toolkit om een gezond gewicht en focus op hoog niveau te behouden. 

JvH - before 4
JvH - after 4
Roderick before 4
Roderick de Leeuw - after 2

Talk the talk
Walk the walk

Na tientallen jaren sportervaring voelde ik hoe ineffectief het is om zo gewicht te verliezen. Ik trainde hard, niet slim en toen ik mijn trainingen verminderde tot minder dan 5 dagen per week werd ik mollig, voelde me niet scherp en was altijd op jacht naar mijn volgende maaltijd.

Then I made changes, failed, learned and saw that there is a better way to stay healthy. I improve my shape, increase my focus and reduce my hunger – with less effort. I’m convinced that this helped me boost my career within the biggest e-commerce players in Europe. It also made me a better father, spouse, friend and entrepreneur.

Combined with my experience and academic background, I’m honoured to guide clients based on sophisticated models, hard data and the latest research.

A picture says more than
A thousand words

If you're curious then
Jump on that 30 min call

Pick a time-slot and schedule a free (voice or video) call. If we feel that we have the right ‘click’ we’ll make a plan to get started. If not, we shake (virtual) hands and part ways.

Find out now when you can reach your weight loss goal

Find out in 1 minute when you could reach your weight loss goal. Not an unrealistic estimation, but feedback based on the latest science, advanced calculations and real-world client experience.

Number Calculation


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Increase your energy
Increase your output

Changing poor nutrition patterns and applying a strategy that fits the needs of both your body and brain like a glove leads to weight loss. However, it also leads to more energy, better sleep and increased stress resilience. All of which contribute to a measurable increase in work performance.

Based on actual qualitative improvements reported by clients

Discover your personalized weight loss journey in 1 minute

Check when you could reach your weight loss goal, based on the latest science, advanced calculations en real-world client experience.

Number Calculation


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Hoe werken we samen?

Samen zullen we de 5 fasen van het HPC Weight Loss Programma © doorlopen.

Nadat we de gegevens hebben verzameld om je startpunt te begrijpen, hebben we een diverse 1-op-1 coaching sessies. Samen zullen we mentale barrières wegnemen, kristalhelder worden over je doelen en een plan maken om verder te gaan. Na de mentale voorbereiding, zullen we ons ook fysiek voorbereiden om veiliger en sneller gewicht te verliezen in de volgende fase.

Tijdens de gewichtsverlies-fase staan we in nauw contact staan en krijg je gedetailleerde instructies. De geavanceerde modellen zijn op maat gemaakt en passen zich continu aan o.b.v. jouw voortgang.

Nadat we jouw doelstelling hebben bereikt, leren we je lichaam zich aan te passen aan een andere manier van eten en stellen we je geest in staat gewoonten voor de lange termijn te creëren.

Waarom afvallen met mij?




Workouts voor gewichtsverlies zijn inefficiënt. Dankzij onze slimmere aanpak hoef je minder te trainen en verlies je meer gewicht, waardoor je tijd en frustratie bespaart.

Diëten leiden vaak tot honger en vertraagd metabolisme. Leer je lichaam om vet als energie te gebruiken en voel je niet meer hongerig en ellendig.

We passen hi-tech gewichtswetenschap, technologie en geavanceerde modellen toe om onze aanpak te bepalen.




Onze op maat gemaakte aanpak zorgt ervoor dat je veilig afvalt, je spieren behoudt en metabolisme beschermt.

We gaan voor 80% realiteit, in plaats van 100% ambities. We vinden samen een balans, die je graag volhoudt; ook na het programma.

Cliënten verliezen niet alles gewicht, maar geven aan fundamentele veranderingen te merken op de belangrijkste onderdelen van hun leven - en op dat van de mensen om zich heen.

Word lid van mijn nieuwsbrief

Laat je gegevens achter en leer hoe ook jij op een slimmere manier kunt afvallen


Als je vragen hebt, stuur me gerust een berichtje via onderstaand formulier.

Customized Weight Loss Timeline

Get your HPC Weight Loss Timeline & 5-step Action Plan to understand where you stand, where you want to go & how to get there. 

Fully customized to you.