Discover your personalized weight loss journey in 1 minute
Check when you could reach your weight loss goal, based on the latest science, advanced calculations and real-world client experience.
Want to learn how long it could take you to achieve your ideal weight, based on real-world client experience? Get a personalized weight loss timeline with the advanced calculator below.
Check when you could reach your weight loss goal, based on the latest science, advanced calculations and real-world client experience.
Usually, diets either do 1 of the following 3 things:
As I’ve helped so many people, I can give you a more realistic estimate of the time you need to reach your weight loss goal. Moreover, I have long-term data to prove that it’s not a trick, but a structural solution.
I simply need a few rough data points and your understanding that losing weight (like gaining) will take some effort.
However, if we approach this in a smarter way, losing weight can be much less uncomfortable.
Cooperation requires trust. And you might not trust me at first. I understand.
I’d like to help you to bridge that gap by being very transparent about my approach. However, there will always be some ‘friction’ before you might be ready.
Therefore, I have made 4 different routes for you to choose from:
Surely, you understand the difference in potential impact (and speed). However, it’s all about ‘what works’. So pick what suits you best and move up when you’re ready.
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Get your HPC Weight Loss Timeline & 5-step Action Plan to understand where you stand, where you want to go & how to get there.
Fully customized to you.
Roderick de Leeuw
Weight Loss Wizard
Roderick de Leeuw
Feel free to ask me any question you have (or if you wanna see if I'm not a bot 😉🤖