
It’s not difficult to lose weight. The difficulty is in doing it healthily, sustainably and measurably. With the HPC Weight Loss Model© clients experience just that.

JvH - before 4
JvH - after 4
Anonimous client - AB before
Anonimous client - AB after

Which results
can you expect?




The program allows clients to lose weight from pure fat, without the muscle loss from regular diets

The sophisticated models stimulate the maintenance and even growth of new muscles

Preserve and even accelerate of your metabolism to increase the speed of your progress




Utilize (your body) fat for energy while you lose weight instead of feeling tired and slow

Sleep better, become more stress resilient and be a better person to be around

Increase the amount and flow of energy to your brain to perform better at work and in life

Are you obese?

Most people don’t realize their weight is more problematic than they think. Clients usually are surprised to hear that they are officially within the obese category. As was this client.

Over the course of several months we were able to lower her weight and move towards the average category.

As we created the right foundation through deep coaching, applied cutting edge weight loss science and new habits that fitted her everyday life, results kept improving.

In the end this client moved from obese, to average to fitness level within the course of a few months and continued to improve after the program.

Weight or muscle loss?

Clients always come to me with the goal to lose weight. However, after a few questions it’s clear that the loss of muscle is not preferred (even though most diets tend to have this effect).

Compare your body to a car and look at your muscles like the engine. Before the weight loss you’re a big American V8, however, while you lose weight (and muscles) your engine shrinks to a tiny city car. As soon as you’re fed up with starving yourself, you revert to your old diet and fill up your gas tank like you did with that big engine. Slowly, you’ll put that extra gas in the jerry cans in your ‘trunk’.

Because we’ll apply the latest weight loss science clients lose weight, without muscle loss or even gain muscles.

The result: a smaller car with a big engine.

Show me the data!

Just like in modern businesses you need data to understand where you stand – and where to focus your efforts to improve. This allows you to focus your efforts and make sure all the ‘low-effort / high-impact’ topics are taken care of first, before moving onwards.

If my clients feel comfortable, I will give input  for the different types of blood tests based on the recommendations from the most advanced doctors in this field. These not only differ often from the input clients get from their normal doctor, but I also give insight in where you can improve your performance.

This deep knowledge allows my clients to apply the right focus and measure the impact of the changes we make.

A positive oil spill

Weight loss or improved health are usually the topics that clients come to me with. Clearly, I help them achieve these goals, however, when we work together the impact tends to be much broader.

When I start to work with someone, I ask them to rate their lives on various aspects. When the program finishes, I ask them the same questions.

However, I also ask: how would you rate your old situation with the knowledge you gained after the program?

It’s interesting to see that clients tend to report  that they overestimated their old situation. For example: they believed they slept very well, until they understood how much better they can sleep after we got to work.

Don't just take my word for it

Sergio Orellana

Dir. Supply Chain Cent. of Practi

Teva Pharmaceuticals

I lost around 10 kilos in just a few months and moved from the body category ‘average’ to ‘athletes’. I’ve more than doubled my energy and went from a 3 to a 9/10 in terms of weight control.

Vincent van de Poll


Digital Ambitions

For 39 years I have wanted to do something about my weight, but it just didn’t work. Now: -21 KG, knowledge level from 3 > 8 and that little voice that says “it’s not going to work” is quiet.

Marijn Smid



I now live life pain free, I am in shape, feel fitter then ever (never tired any more, yes!) and work more productively and concentrated than I ever have.

Wolfgang Baermann

Sr. Dir. Operations Finance

Rosewood Hotel Group

It works. As weeks go by, my “toolbox” gets more and more equipped and I can see and feel the success of our work. To a great collaboration, thanks Roderick!

Jana Wilhelmus



I reset my lifestyle and adopted key practices that will stay with me for the rest of my life. It changed my perspective on the way I cook for myself and my family and the way I live my life.

Jeffrey Hamelink

Co-founder & CEO

Small Giants

Yesterday Roderick came over with a “21” balloon and a dumbbell of 21 kilos. Only when you lift that do you realize how much weight you actually lost. And what a strain it was on my body.

Millo Janssen


Applied mathematics

I lost almost 10 kilos, while I maintained my muscle mass. My waist circumference is almost 20 cm less, I have more focus, I perform much better at my studies and I feel that I have complete control over my weight.

Tiago Bastos Mogas

Real Estate Consultant


I worked with Roderick and have only good things to say about the level of commitment and service he provides. To remain professional while still extremely approachable is an art and Roderick is great at that as well. Fully recommend.

Jop van Hooft

Founder & CEO


This week we reached an important milestone, as there are 23 fewer kilos (51 pounds) of Jop. Hence Roderick was at my door with balloons with the number: 23. All achieved in <6 months.

Ruben Hortensius

Interim Consultant

Hortensius Consulting

I was able to get fully in control over my own weight. Not only did I lost 10 kg in the process, I was able to do so while maintaining virtually all of my muscle mass; making the weight loss pure body fat.

Jesse Stockton


Jesse Stockton Music

I always walk away with a sense of comfort and ease around my problem or conflict because we have defined how to overcome it. I am truly grateful for the work he does with me and his ability to listen.

Bruno Mertens

Founder & Director

Free Pratique

I take a lot less medication and I feel a lot healthier. I am sure that Roderick’s intervention has helped with this and I recommend it to anyone who wants to become healthier (and happier) in an effective way. 

Matthijs Wilhelmus


BASI Systems

Without a lot of effort or gruelling workouts I could feel my body – and mind – change within a week and I have managed to sustain this for almost a year now. No bouncing up and down, consistently higher energy level and a more balanced mood.

Matthijs Wilhelmus


BASI Systems

Without a lot of effort or gruelling workouts I could feel my body – and mind – change within a week and I have managed to sustain this for almost a year now. No bouncing up and down, consistently higher energy level and a more balanced mood.

Matthijs Wilhelmus


BASI Systems

Without a lot of effort or gruelling workouts I could feel my body – and mind – change within a week and I have managed to sustain this for almost a year now. No bouncing up and down, consistently higher energy level and a more balanced mood.

Jeffrey Hamelink before 2
Jeffrey Hamelink after 2
M before
M after
anonimous client AA - before
anonimous client AA - after

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