
I don’t prefer to talk about myself. However, I understand you might want to know a little more about me before you feel comfortable to work together.

Why me as your
Weight Loss Wizard?




Sports, martial arts, lifting, low carb, vegetarianism, keto, carnivore, intermittent fasting? I talk from experience.

I’m educated by a leading coaching institute to understand how I can best help you – find the answers to your challenges in your situation.

Coming from high level corporate positions and  as an interim worker, I understand how you can balance weight loss and performance at work.




Many clients, thousands of data sheets and countless analyses helped shape my data driven method based on real world experience.

I notice coaching never feels like work to me, as I deeply care about the well-being of my clients and am driven by making their lives better.

I stay open minded, so that I’m able to learn new things based on the latest science or new experiences and I use data as a foundation to keep improving.

Why so passionate about health?

40% of the world’s population is obese and about 10% suffer from diabetes type 2. These numbers grow every year.

Besides the obvious physical discomforts, being overweight can also create various other problems, ranging from damaged joints to a higher chance of developing cancer.

Society also tends to judge overweight people. They also face a lower chance of being hired for a job or are more like to be treated differently by a doctor.

Naturally, this impacts people’s self-esteem and happiness. And of those around them.

To fix this, people try tens – if not – hundreds of diets throughout their lifetime. They starve themselves in the kitchen, and slave themselves in the gym.

Usually, only to gain weight, lose self-esteem, be less productive and unhappy.

I believe this has to change. I believe I can help.

Why isn’t obesity cured yet?

Even though the words ‘eat less, train more’ and ‘nutritional balance’ are like a mantra, they are nonsense. Just like the idea that failure to comply makes you lazy or weak.

I understood that weight loss isn’t simple math. It’s science.

The real formula is more complex and takes a little more time to set up, but it helps you lose weight structurally, prevent a broken metabolism and saves you from a general sense of misery.

It’s my goal to update the mantra which I believe can make a difference for millions of people around the world to:

‘Lose weight, by doing it smarter.’

What makes me a
Weight Loss Wizard?

I experienced how it felt to be chubby, but unable to change it, despite decades worth of experience in high intensity sports, like speed skating, martial arts and fitness.

During the last decade I have tried and tested many different approaches, studied the weight loss science, graduated as a Certified Human Potential Coach (CHPC) at the US based Human Potential Institute and got certified as an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) with the International Coach Federation and helped many clients achieve their weight loss goals.

The combination of my academic background, my professional experience and coaching credentials allows me to create sophisticated weight loss models that work, as well as guide clients to incorporate structural change.

I learned that my main value in life is to help others and I choose to do so by helping people achieve their weight loss goals and become healthier, more productive and happier as a result.

Read more on this blog post I wrote.

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