
Most of my clients report that they’ve struggled for decades to get their weight under control. I help you achieve this in record time with 1 goal: a structural solution that works with 0 risk.

Phase 1


In the 1st fase we work closely together. Here I’ll be crunching a lot of data, refine your models and we’ll have weekly 1-on-1 sessions. All with the purpose of drilling down to the core asap.

As this phase is physically and mentally relatively intense for me, I will not work with too many clients at once. Moreover, I believe my approach, added value and speed at which I help you make an impact are unique. 

For some this price feels high, others don’t seem to care. What all my clients have in common, however, is that they believe it’s  worth it. Moreover, as soon as we’re done here, we’ll move to the next price bracket (50% discount)

What you get

✅ 1-on-1 coaching sessions (up to 4/month)
✅ Blood value analysis
✅ Custom vitamin/mineral recommendations
✅ Qualitative analysis (weekly)
✅ Qualitative recommendations (weekly)
✅ Quantitative analysis (weekly)
✅ Quantitative recommendations (weekly)

What you invest

€ 619 (excl VAT) | 749 (incl VAT) / month


An official invoice will be provided with VAT and a generalistic description like ‘coaching’, which makes it tax deductible or valid for usage within many company developmental budgets.

Average duration

2 – 3 months

Phase 2

Data & Analytics

After your body and mind are fully prepped, it usually takes a few weeks to get into the right ‘flow’ and the scientific models to adjust to your unique features. Moreover, you’ll have a lot of questions, where I can (usually) provide some guidance. 

When you feel that you have developed the right tools and skillset to keep moving forward and your body shows regular weight drops (with other KPI’s), we’ll stop our 1-on-1 sessions and we will move to this phase where I will focus fully on data analytics and give you regular high impact feedback.

As this is less intense, mentally and in terms of time, as well as easier to plan I, again, try to balance your investment with impact; hence the 50% discount.

What you get

❌ 1-on-1 coaching sessions (up to 4/month)
❌ Blood value analysis
❌ Custom vitamin/mineral recommendations
✅ Qualitative analysis (weekly)
✅ Qualitative recommendations (weekly)
✅ Quantitative analysis (weekly)
✅ Quantitative recommendations (weekly)

What you invest

€ 310 (excl VAT) | 375 (incl VAT) / month (-50%)


An official invoice will be provided with VAT and a generalistic description like ‘coaching’, which makes it tax deductible or valid for usage within many company developmental budgets.

Average duration

2 – 4 months


Foundational Change


✅ 1-on-1 coaching | 16 x 1.5 hour sessions
✅ Various (optional) blood value analyses
✅ Custom supplement recommendations
✅ Weekly deep-dive data analyses
✅ Weekly custom recommendations
✅ WLW Academy Training


✅ Science-based approach
✅ Customized to your body & preferences
✅ Flexibility to match your busy schedule
✅ Health concierge at your fingertips
✅ Maximize impact within your constraints

Results (on average)

✅ -10 KG/25.4 lbs weight loss
✅ +10% in muscle mass share
✅ -1 body category (i.e. obese → average)
✅ +7 points in weight control (out of 10)
✅ +5 points in knowledge (out of 10)
✅ +4 points in focus (out of 10)
✅ +4 points in sleep quality (out of 10)


🫰🏻 € 2956 (excl VAT) | 3577 (incl VAT)
⌚️ 4 months period


✅ Freedom to stop at any time guarantee
✅ 30 day money back guarantee
✅ No hunger guarantee
✅ No crazy workouts guarantee


An invoice will be provided with VAT (EU clients) or without (non-EU clients). A general description like ‘coaching’ and company name ‘Human Potential Coaching’ makes it tax deductible/valid for company developmental budgets for most.


Extra Guidance

If you’d like to lose additional weight you have the flexibility to continue until your target has been reached.

If it’s helpful to work closely together there is the option to keep the 1-on-1 Coaching setting going.

In case the weight loss has become structural and predictable we usually move to the Weight Loss Flow phase after the (4 month) Foundational Change phase.

1-on-1 Coaching

€ 739 (excl VAT) | 894 (incl VAT)
Flexible 1 month period(s)
Optional after Foundational Change phase

Weight Loss Flow

€ 599 (excl VAT) | 724 (incl VAT)
Flexible 1 month period(s)
Optional after Foundational Change phase

Don't just take my word for it

Sergio Orellana

Dir. Supply Chain Cent. of Practi

Teva Pharmaceuticals

I lost around 10 kilos in just a few months and moved from the body category ‘average’ to ‘athletes’. I’ve more than doubled my energy and went from a 3 to a 9/10 in terms of weight control.

Vincent van de Poll


Digital Ambitions

For 39 years I have wanted to do something about my weight, but it just didn’t work. Now: -21 KG, knowledge level from 3 > 8 and that little voice that says “it’s not going to work” is quiet.

Marijn Smid



I now live life pain free, I am in shape, feel fitter then ever (never tired any more, yes!) and work more productively and concentrated than I ever have.

Wolfgang Baermann

Sr. Dir. Operations Finance

Rosewood Hotel Group

It works. As weeks go by, my “toolbox” gets more and more equipped and I can see and feel the success of our work. To a great collaboration, thanks Roderick!

Jana Wilhelmus



I reset my lifestyle and adopted key practices that will stay with me for the rest of my life. It changed my perspective on the way I cook for myself and my family and the way I live my life.

Jeffrey Hamelink

Co-founder & CEO

Small Giants

Yesterday Roderick came over with a “21” balloon and a dumbbell of 21 kilos. Only when you lift that do you realize how much weight you actually lost. And what a strain it was on my body.

Millo Janssen


Applied mathematics

I lost almost 10 kilos, while I maintained my muscle mass. My waist circumference is almost 20 cm less, I have more focus, I perform much better at my studies and I feel that I have complete control over my weight.

Tiago Bastos Mogas

Real Estate Consultant


I worked with Roderick and have only good things to say about the level of commitment and service he provides. To remain professional while still extremely approachable is an art and Roderick is great at that as well. Fully recommend.

Jop van Hooft

Founder & CEO


This week we reached an important milestone, as there are 23 fewer kilos (51 pounds) of Jop. Hence Roderick was at my door with balloons with the number: 23. All achieved in <6 months.

Ruben Hortensius

Interim Consultant

Hortensius Consulting

I was able to get fully in control over my own weight. Not only did I lost 10 kg in the process, I was able to do so while maintaining virtually all of my muscle mass; making the weight loss pure body fat.

Jesse Stockton


Jesse Stockton Music

I always walk away with a sense of comfort and ease around my problem or conflict because we have defined how to overcome it. I am truly grateful for the work he does with me and his ability to listen.

Bruno Mertens

Founder & Director

Free Pratique

I take a lot less medication and I feel a lot healthier. I am sure that Roderick’s intervention has helped with this and I recommend it to anyone who wants to become healthier (and happier) in an effective way. 

Matthijs Wilhelmus


BASI Systems

Without a lot of effort or gruelling workouts I could feel my body – and mind – change within a week and I have managed to sustain this for almost a year now. No bouncing up and down, consistently higher energy level and a more balanced mood.

Matthijs Wilhelmus


BASI Systems

Without a lot of effort or gruelling workouts I could feel my body – and mind – change within a week and I have managed to sustain this for almost a year now. No bouncing up and down, consistently higher energy level and a more balanced mood.

Matthijs Wilhelmus


BASI Systems

Without a lot of effort or gruelling workouts I could feel my body – and mind – change within a week and I have managed to sustain this for almost a year now. No bouncing up and down, consistently higher energy level and a more balanced mood.

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Pick a time-slot and schedule a free (voice or video) call. If we feel that we have the right ‘click’ we’ll make a plan to get started. If not, we shake (virtual) hands and part ways.

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